Jean Philippe Joly × Filton

Jean Philippe Joly × Filton
We hope that we were able to bring Jean Philippe Joly x Filton to the world in February.
It all started when I heard from KENJI at 折角堂 and contacted him. And when I received a DM from him on Instagram with…?
it was the beginning of this collaboration from an unfamiliar DM that said
We have the same style of designing and working with a great sense of speed.
We sometimes joked around, sometimes talked seriously, and sometimes conveyed messages to each other.
In October, we had dinner in Tokyo, looking at the works and discussing ideas for the next project.
While drinking, he wished for world peace and prayed for an end to war.
I met him in Tokyo and he was a kind gentleman.
I could not express myself well until the end in my work this time,
However, I was able to express the theme of 『人と人とのつながり』in this work.
I hope it will reach as many people as possible.